Driving a Clean and Detailed Vehicle ultimately allows you to be able to have the Most Enjoyable and Pleasant Experience from your Vehicle. The Initial Investment of owning a Vehicle in Today's World is very Costly. As with any High Dollar Investment your main Goal should be to Protect your Investment. Whether you choose a 100% Carnuba Wax, HyBrid Wax, Paint Sealant or Ceramic Coating to protect the Exterior of your Vehicle you will be Protecting your Investment. There are Numerous Professional Products that offer different Protection & Durability lengths to protect the Exterior of your Vehicle. Clio Detailing Informs and Educates our Customers to help them decide which is the BEST way that they can Protect their Vehicle.
Different Waxs offer: 1-3 Months Durability Protection and must be reapplied.
Paint Sealants: 6-12 Months Durability Protection and must be reapplied.
Ceramic Coatings (KENZO): 5+ Years Decreases your Maintenace time by 50%, No Annual Inspection Fee's or Touch-Ups, 3yr Install Warranty, No need to apply Wax.
****Ceramic Coatings are NOT all Created Equal. Many are simply Gimmicks and Clever Marketing Tricks. As with Auto Painting & Auto Detailing the Majority of the Cost (LABOR) is from the Surface Preperation Before you apply the Ceramic Coating, NOT the actual cost of the Ceramic Coating Product. An Educated Professional Detailer can help differentiate FACT from FICTION and because of this it allows Our Customers to have a better understanding of Professional Detailing. Depending on where you reside Your Vehicle should have a Specific Type of Protection for the Enviroment (MIchigan vs Florida) it withstands Daily to reduce the amount of Deterioration to the Exterior surfaces.
Clio Detailing offers Professional HIGH Quality Details.
Certified IGL CERAMIC COATINGS for Exteriors & Interiors (Windows, Headlights, Wheels, Trims, Paint, Motorcycles)